Do You Long For A Deeper Friendship With Jesus?
Based on Joanna Weaver’s best-selling book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, this 10-week video study shows how all of us – Marys and Marthas alike – can draw closer to the Lord. Deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy – even in the middle of a busy life!

What It Is
Designed to be used with Joanna Weaver’s best-selling book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, this ten-week video Bible study includes a downloadable study guide filled with scripture and practical advice on cultivating a deeper friendship with Jesus. For we’ve been invited to the “better part” – a joyful life of “living-room” intimacy with God that flows naturally into “kitchen service” for Him!
Are you a group Leader looking to host a study? See our group options here.
Hear from Joanna & Past Students
Do You Find Yourself…
✓ Longing to sit at the Lord’s feet but the daily demands of life just won’t leave you alone?
✓ Wanting to express your love for Jesus, but not knowing how?
✓ Desiring to show your love for Jesus through serving Him…yet struggling with weariness, resentment and feelings of inadequacy?
✓ Looking for tools to help you study God’s Word in a way that turns it from a duty into a delight?
How It Works
Though the time frame is up to you, this study is designed for ten weeks. After viewing the teaching video, you’ll be assigned weekly homework, featuring chapter(s) to be read in Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and weekly exercises in the free study guide. Both provide biblical and practical advice to help you blend intimacy with Jesus and service for Him in the midst of your busy life.

Begin Your Bible Study
Purchase video study and book. Print free study guide. Watch your first session. (Invite a friend to join you!)

Moving Through the Study
Each week, read the assigned chapters and do the corresponding homework. Then, consider what you’ve learned and how to apply it to your life.

Grow Your Relationship with God
Use the teachings to create a richer, closer friendship with Him.
What’s In The Bible Study?
✓ Ten 20-minute video sessions and bonus session taught by Joanna.
✓ Nine “Word Time” bonus videos filled with practical tips for studying God’s Word.
✓ A beautifully designed printable study-guide to help you study God’s word and go deeper in your relationship with God.
Having a Mary Heart, in a Martha World Curriculum
Each week’s lesson includes Joanna’s 20-minute teaching, a short “Word Time” video and downloadable copy of that week’s lesson.
While available individually by clicking “Buy Now” on each session, we suggest purchasing the entire study for a discount. Includes complete copy of study guide and directions for using it as an individual.
WEEK ONE: Introduction
Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World
Word Time: Introduction to Study
WEEK TWO: A Tale of Two Sisters
Lord, Don’t You Care?
Word Time: Memorizing Scripture
WEEK THREE: The Diagnosis
Freedom From Fear
Word Time: Bible Study Methods
Burden Bearer
Word Time: Reading & Marking Your Bible
WEEK FIVE: Living Room Intimacy
Pursued By Love
Word Time: Bible Reading Highlights
WEEK SIX: Kitchen Service
Compelled By Love
Word Time: Bible Study Resources
WEEK SEVEN: Lessons from Lazarus
Rewriting History
Word Time: Praying God’s Word
WEEK EIGHT: Martha’s Teachable Heart
The Beauty Of Repentance
Word Time: Think Biblically, Live Biblically
WEEK NINE: Mary’s Extravagant Love
Loving God Extravagantly
Word Time: Worship & the Word
WEEK TEN: Balancing Work & Worship
Lord Of The Process
Word Time: Half-Day of Prayer
Best offer: Save 33% when you buy the full study
Individual weeks also available for purchase HERE.
Are you a group Leader looking to host a study? See our group options here.
Frequently Asked Questions

About Joanna
Joanna Weaver is the author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, which has sold over a million copies. Other books include Having a Mary Spirit, Lazarus Awakening, and a devotional, At the Feet of Jesus. Her books and companion DVD Bible studies have been used by hundreds of churches as well as home groups and individuals.
God has opened doors for Joanna to speak at conferences around the country and internationally as well. Her passion is to see women experience God’s incredible love and grace so that they can become all He created them to be.
Joanna loves being a pastor’s wife and mother of three. The Weavers reside in the beautiful “Big Sky” state of Montana.